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Pianos for Sale
Special Order New, Used and Quality Rebuilt Pianos.
Attention: churches, organizations, or private individuals, whether you are you a first time piano buyer, serious player or looking to upgrade your existing piano, contact High Point Piano & Music and let us help you find an instrument to match your budget and taste.
How much time or what does it cost to prepare a piano if I find one on my own? Grand pianos +/- $900 10-15hrs; Vertical Pianos +/- $600 10-12 hrs. Pianos sold by us are fully serviced.
With over 35 years of piano experience I am personally so very proud to be able to offer properly serviced pianos for our customers. Please note: New piano prices can be be verified by visiting our good friend Larry Fine's website. The Definitive Piano Buying Guide
Purchase Guide:< Link >
Call our store for program details: 336-887-4266.
- Since 2017 we are the authorized dealer for the following piano lines:
Hailun Pianos: Hailun piano is our premiere professional piano line. Very very nice pianos with extreamily high quality and innovation. Visit their website for details on available models. Approximately 21 models to choose from
< https://www.hailun-pianos.com/
Purchase Guide: < Link >
- Hailun HLPS-1 < Link >
Magic piano lid system consists of well-regulated pneumatic cylinders supporting the weight of the grand piano lid. With very little or no effort you can safely open and close the lid without damage to the piano or person.
- Propietary Action: < Link >
Hailun developed its proprietary action. It includes several parts that are imported from Europe and assembled in China and include reinforced German felt hammers, wood parts made of hornbeam, and an aluminum with a maple core action rail. The action is geared at professional users and aims at providing maximum performance for the pianist.
- Cold Pressed Hammers < Link >
- (PAS) Permanency, Accuracy, Stability Keybed System
Hailun Piano Company invented the Permanency- Accuracy- Stability Keybed System (PAS). < Link >
- Hybred Performance Pianos < Link >
- Baldwin Model "E" Art Case Grand Piano
French legs; 5' 7"; Mahogany finish; Model: E; Serial#53468; 1926; clean performance piano for the home or church. As a standard for comparison the model "E" has a wider tail for richer deeper bass; $ 13,000
< serial, plate, leg / lyre / finish, crest >
- Sohmer & Company Cupid Grand Piano
Walnut finish; Grand Piano, 5' 7", Cupid Model; Serial #63792; 1926; Clean lines Art Deco; continuous agraffes; $10,000
< serial, front, plate, top >
- Kimball Studio Upright / Vertical - Studio height, Serial #733301, 1969, Refurbished in 2001; Re-strung, Refinished light natural walnut; new key pins; regulated. $3,000
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Last updated on Friday, June 28, 2024 EST
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